Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ukraine mulls biometric voter verification for Members of Parliament

UDAR suggests taking fingerprints of MPs (forUm) "A new voting system, which reads fingerprints of MPs must be introduced in the Parliament, deputy leader of the UDAR Party faction Vitali Kovalchuk said on the sidelines of the Verkhovna Rada, ForUm correspondent reports."

Piecing this together from a couple of places at The main story linked above is very short. There is also a photo gallery of the event where the press was invited to witness "the working of the voting system 'Rada-4'".

I took the above photo from that gallery. Is that an optical fingerprint reader illuminating the hand in the photo?

If so, and I realize I'm piling speculation atop a mere suggestion, it would mark an interesting development in the administration of legislative bodies. 

The São Paulo City Council instituted a biometric time and attendance system, but I'm not aware of a biometric system used in a legislative body to ensure that the person casting a vote is a member and that the member in question isn't going around to all the empty desks and voting in the place of his absent colleagues.