The BBC is considering using biometric access controls at its buildings. (FM World)
Hills said the first phase of the BBC’s review had seen 15 control rooms consolidated into one.Adam Vrankulj at Biometric Update ties the story back to recent industry forecasts for the access control market.
He added: “Access ID is used – not biometrics yet, but [we are] looking at it for the second phase. [We] think it will be more acceptable now as they have it in schools and colleges.
“Security is now more a building management role and the information that comes through the control room can be used more widely for building management.”
I predict some real upheaval in the market for security systems and access control. So far, large security providers have been able to keep their market walled off from competition from the providers of other types of networked information technology. If increasing numbers of facilities management professionals see the world as Gary Hills does, those days are numbered.