Monday, August 6, 2012

Luzerne County, PA Finds Integrating Biometric Time-and-Attendance System Challenging

Time not on county's side (Citizens' Voice)
"I think that in the understandable zeal to improve perceived accountability, we may have gotten ahead of ourselves with respect to how difficult implementation was going to be," Lawton said.

The commissioners' terms in office expired Jan. 2, when a new home-rule government with a county council and appointed manager began.

"You separate the recording of hours worked from how those hours are characterized, whether they are worked hours, vacation hours, overtime, admin time, people's hourly rates," Lawton explained. "That's where the extra staff time is coming in, not in making sure everybody's thumbprints and ID codes are being recorded correctly, but how this is being integrated into the payroll system, how this is eventually going to replace manual payroll entry by payroll clerks. And that is proving a real challenge, I will admit. We will overcome it."
Local papers consistently do a better job of getting at the real issues involved in biometric deployments. Read the whole thing.

There are tremendous ROI opportunities for adopters of biometric time-and-attendance systems in both the private and the public sectors. Public sector organizations seem to have more issues implementing them but they also seem to be chasing very large potential ROI's, too.

This post updates this one:
Luzerne County, Pa. adopts biometric time-and-attendance system