Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Biometric Suppliers Accenture-NEC, L1 ID & Mahindra Satyam-Morpho Lock Horns with UIDAI Over Price

Deduplication: Suppliers want Rs 8; UID offers 2.75 (Economic Times)
Biometric vendors de-duplicating Aadhaar numbers have refused to work with Unique ID Authority of India after finishing their contract, next month. The vendors were eliminating duplicate or redundant information in the Aadhaar IDs at the price of Rs 2.75 per number fixed with the agency.
See also:
India: UID Costs Plummet as Accuracy Remains High

UIDAI dismisses doubts over accuracy of unique ID system (IBN Live India) - for a rare mention of the mathematics involved in deduplication.

h/t @Allevate