Friday, October 21, 2011

The Fight to Secure the Current Internet is Unwinnable

The internet is used to do all kinds of things that no one, even its creators, could ever have envisioned so this article shouldn't be taken as an opportunity to have a go at the giants upon whose shoulders so many stand. Rather, it presents an opportunity to conduct a cost-benefit analysis on the evolutionary approach and the revolutionary approach — the current arms race between cops and robbers or hitting the reset button — to internet security and identity assurance.

 Internet Creators Acknowledge Security Overlooked in Original Web Framework (
A faulty initial design – with net protocols that rely on trust and freely allow anonymity – has been compounded by the slow rollout of security gear, he says.

“I can do a very good job,” says Mr Eisen, whose company tries to keep pace with advancements in the cybercrime underworld. “But in the long run, it is essentially hopeless.”

So, what would a secure internet look like? Mr Eisen has set out plans for Internet 2 in a document called Project Phoenix. Included in his blueprint are biometric identification, encryption of all keystrokes and virtual machines created for every transaction.

h/t @TimeTrax_ET