Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Adoption: Biometrics for Physical Access Control

Government drives match-on-card, new commercial uses emerge (SecureIDNews)
Governments across the globe are driving the use of biometrics, says Dave Adams, senior product marketing manager for Identity and Access Management at HID Global. India, South Africa and Brazil are looking at fingerprint technology to secure facilities. Iris is also on the radar, he adds, but not nearly as prevalent to date. Fingerprint continues to gain in popularity because of its improved accuracy and lower cost. In the past, Adams explains, biometric technology had issues. “The reality hit that you would be holding up people at the front door with false accepts and false rejects,” he says. “The technology has improved dramatically over the past decade.” Many countries are looking at what the U.S. has done with FIPS 201, trying to create a similar specification for use by their government employees, Adams says.
This long piece is chock full of biometrics for physical access control standards, applications and methods.

h/t @m2sys