Tuesday, April 28, 2015

SIBA head testifies before congressional committee on border biometrics

Senate Homeland Security Committee calls SIBA's Kephart to testify (Secure
Identity & Biometrics Association (SIBA))

Testimony before the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee
Tracking the arrival and departure of foreign visitors to the United States is an essential part of immigration control, law enforcement and national security. The need for arrival controls is obvious, but recording departures is also important; without it, there is no way to know definitively whether travelers have left when they were supposed to. Biometric entry/exit and transfer solutions are proven in their feasibility, low cost, added security value, increased efficiencies, travel convenience, and accuracy. Good products are available off the shelf. They are flexible and built, and can be customized, for many environments. The biometric, secure document and identity management industry is well-versed in integration with back-end data systems while building in flexibility for the future. Biometric solutions such as facial recognition, fingerprints and iris scans assure identity when coupled with biographic information found in travel documents. Using only biographic information, however, such as names or passport numbers, provides no assurance that the person departing is the one whose original arrival was recorded.
The quote above is taken from the pdf linked to the article at top. The 29-page document is an excellent resource for those interested in the topic.