Visiongain's analysis indicates that the Biometrics market is set to be worth $7.59bn in 2012, as demand continues for advanced personal identification and verification systems for a range of military, governmental and civilian applications.
The Visiongain author of the Biometrics report comments that: 'Biometric technologies are an increasing viable prospect for both military and civilian purposes. With progressively increasing technological advances and codification of doctrinal usage, biometric technologies are set to fulfil a range of security demands. Despite defence cutbacks, the global biometrics market is to be both sustained and enhanced by the commercialisation of the technology, which is increasingly finding applications within the civilian marketplace, providing security from criminal enterprises and identity theft.'
Friday, September 21, 2012
Industry Report: Biometrics market in 2012 worth $7.59bn
'Biometrics market worth $7.59bn in 2012' Says Visiongain Report (Press Release via PRNewswire)