Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sahara Mall Bar Owners: Biometrics Bring Fewer: Brawls; Crimes Against Women; Customers

Now, punch in before entering bars at Sahara Mall (Hindustan Times)
All those who come to the Sahara Mall bars have to punch their thumb in the computerised machines, which also records the visitor's photograph. The machine can store up to 5,000 persons' records, after which the data is stored in a hard disk.

The mall management was prompted to install the biometric machine in the wake of increasing incidents of brawls and crimes against women. Sahara Mall, one of the city's oldest on the Mehraulli-Gurgaon (MG) Road houses five bars on its third floor. The spot earned a bad name due to frequent criminal cases in the recent past.
But really, a system like this doesn't make much sense unless bar staff or security officers use the photos and fingerprints to manage a list of people who have been banned from the mall for previous bad behavior and compare people to that list as they enter. Maybe that's what they are doing though the article doesn't mention it. Either way, it seems to act as something of a deterrent.

But the last sentence of the article really got my attention... 

 "While the safety measures have instilled confidence among women, bar managers rue that the footfalls have declined."

Maybe the headline should be:
Bar Owners Say Best Customers Fight a lot, Assault Women
According to one bar owner: "Since we got rid of all the brawlers and gropers this place is like a ghost town." 
[OK, I made that quote up.]