Thursday, October 15, 2015

Biometrics market forecast 2015-2021

Global Biometric Market 2015 at $7.0 Billion, Rising to $44.2 Billion by 2021 (University Chronicle)
Biometric modalities include hybrid fingerprint / palm print, facial recognition, iris image, and voice recognition. The global biometrics market is $7.0 billion in 2014, rising to $44.2 billion by 2021. Biometrics revenue and device shipment forecasts are segmented by modality and market segment. There are four market segments, law enforcement, border control which includes government ID systems, workplace access, and consumer ID.

According to Susan Eustis, leader of the team that prepared the study, "Biometrics represent a multi-billion dollar industry because the devices provide personal identity protection. Biometrics is used by civil authorities to permit the organization of people into units of government that are a cohesive group of people, not intruded upon by outsiders. Biometrics provides a cornerstone of law enforcement agencies with fingerprint ID."