Monday, August 17, 2015

You know better but I know him

If we go to biometric IDs, will hackers try to steal your face? (
How much damage could a data thief do with your biometrics? According to experts from three different biometric modalities, the threat of someone virtually slipping into your skin is based far more on Hollywood-fueled paranoia than how biometrics are actually secured and deployed in the real world.
An analysis of iris, vein and heartbeat biometrics follows from there.

The piece also serves as a useful counterpoint to this one at InfoWorld which has biometric authentication technology as "Doomed security technology No. 1," where the author's formulation,
"After all, using your face, fingerprint, DNA, or some other biometric marker seems like the perfect log-on credential -- to someone who doesn't specialize in log-on authentication."
begs the retort: After all, using your face, fingerprint, DNA, or some other biometric marker seems like it is destined for history's dustbin -- to someone who doesn't specialize in biometric authentication.