Nouak deems it insufficient to put biometrics on a level with security. In his view, the prime task of biometrics is to increase the comfort of security systems. "Because I have my biometric features with me at all times, there is no need for me to remember any codes, passwords or PINs and to take along keys or cards", says Nouak. "Biometrics can simplify our lives if privacy remains protected and the application corresponds to the required security level."We wish the European Association for Biometrics much success.
The non-profit EAB wants to bring together industry, regulators and user groups. For this purpose, it aims at founding a Europe-wide network, which will also discuss its experiences with representatives from politics and business. Moreover, the organization wants to be an independent contact point for interested parties and promote the training of biometrics experts. Joint training and research activities of EAB members are to be one focus of its work. The EAB will have its first appearance on the European stage at the European Biometrics Symposium in Brussels on February 17, 2012.
It strikes me that a regional approach to engaging the public, government and business on the subject of biometrics is appropriate.
Democracies in Africa and Europe are adopting biometrics for better ID management, but they are doing so in response to a completely different set of stimuli and with very different sets of challenges. Within each region, however, the challenges faced by neighboring countries are remarkably similar.