Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Biometrics and Development

Fingerprint Haiti Now: Biometrics in Haiti, One Year Later (Center for Global Development)
Cash transfer programs have become commonplace in post-disaster recovery for rebuilding and re-capitalizing households and firms. Such programs provide direct aid without the bureaucratic delays and transparency concerns of other methods. They also create demand to jump-start the economy and put the power of recovery in the hands of the people– giving them the resources to pull themselves out of poverty and towards reconstruction and recovery. Leakage is always a major concern; donors need to ensure individuals only collect once and that funds are distributed as intended. A secure identity system could be used to prevent multiple payments, “ghost” recipients, and other forms of leakage.
It is extremely heartening to see an organization as respected as the Center for Global Development recognize the contributions identity management technology can make toward building a more just, prosperous and equitable society.

Other posts dealing with biometrics, fraud and social safety nets can be read here.