Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dependable ID Infrastructure Is Really Good for the Economy

India's Digital ID for All Citizens Benefits Entrepreneurs (Innovation News Daily)
Growing numbers of registered citizens may lead to a self-sustaining momentum for the UID program, Sundararajan explained. More businesses will launch new services tied to UID as they see more potential customers lined up. Having more available services can in turn encourage more citizens to sign up for UID.

If the current pace holds up, India will have enrolled about 300 million people (25 percent of the population) by the end of 2012, researchers said. "People have been quick to understand that this is opening up huge new markets," Sundararajan said. "So it's not just for the people who are newly included, but also for people who have a more reliable form of identity."
See also:
Poorest of the Poor Expect to Benefit the Most from India's UID
Empirical Data Support UID as a Means for Reaching the Poor
India: How Much Fraud is Acceptable in NPR, UID
Biometric Identity Management, an Information Age Revolution